printHTML(): how many pages printed?

A recently-reported issue saw a variation in the number of pages printed with the same document as a target of printHTML().

The customer suggested that the differences may be caused by variations in the deployed version of ScriptX, but when we ran Preview on the single-page target document in IE it became clear that its size was such that – depending upon the unprintable margin areas returned by the printer is use – it would sometimes print on 1 page and sometimes on 2.

The document could not be edited to be made smaller, and the customer needed to guarantee a predictable single-page print. The answer was the pragmatic use of the SetPrintScale function:


In other words, we use ScriptX to subtly scale the size of the print job so that it all fits on one sheet.


Standardised web printing

with ScriptX.Services

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Standardised web printing

with ScriptX.Services

ScriptX.Services is the only web printing software that can offer the level of control and flexibility required for consistent printing from different connected devices. We promise you’ll love it, try it now with a 60 day no obligation license.