Invalid HTML parameters specified for the license

This error can occur when deploying a new or updated MeadCo Security Manager license for ScriptX. What it means is there is a mismatch between a parameter given on the Security Manager object and the downloaded license file. Either:

  1. The GUID parameter given in the Security Manager object does not match.
  2. The revision value in the downloaded license file is less than the revision parameter (for example <param name=”revision” value=”4″ /> and the value in the downloaded license file is “3”).

The first error typically occurs because of a typo – either in the license file itself or in the content of the Security Manager object in the HTML document. Our license files are generated by automated processes so a typo in the file itself is highly unlikely; the problem is probably in the html document itself and this is easily checked. For a review of how the Security Manager object is authored please see the description in the Security Manager Knowledge Bank.

The most likely cause of this error is a mismatch between the value of the revision parameter and the value of revision in the downloaded license file.

As explained in Security Manager :: How it works, updating the revision parameter will force a download of a new license file. It is important to realise that this error message can only occur when a license file is successfully downloaded from the server but it is the “wrong” license file that is downloaded.

If no license is cached on the client PC then clearly the license file will be downloaded but it will also be downloaded if the revision of the cached license is less than the revision specified in the parameter (forcing a license renewal or update). What then happens is the downloaded license is verified — does it have a revision greater than or equal to the one specified? If it doesn’t, the error “Invalid HTML parameters specified for the license” is displayed.

If you update the revision parameter in the document to match your new license file but then forget to update the license file delivered on the server then the following will happen:

  1. The revision parameter value is greater than that of the cached license, the license file is downloaded
  2. The downloaded file is the “old” file, its revision value is less than that specified in the revision parameter and the error is “Invalid HTML parameters specified for the license”

If it is simply a case of forgetting to update the license file on the server it is easy to resolve but when you are sure you have followed the guidance in Security Manager :: Deploying a license revision to the letter and updated the file on the server, what else could be going wrong?

  • Security Manager is using a locally cached copy of the license file instead of downloading the latest file as it believes the locally cached copy is latest. Security Manager uses the APIs provided by Internet Explorer/Windows to download the file and requests that the latest file is obtained from the server. Clearing the browser cache and retrying will show whether this is a problem. If it is, then it is probable that the date on the file on the server is wrong.
  • It is worth double checking the download process. Manually enter the url of the license file into the address bar of any browser and save the file to the local machine. Use Windows Explorer to check the date the file was signed by us – does it match the date of the license file you are trying to deploy?
  • If you are using a web farm, double check that all servers have been updated with the latest file. This problem often appears as some client machines can update their license without issue and some cannot.


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